Decarb Heat Forum in Brüssel
Auf dem Decarb Heat-Forum unseres europäischen Dachverbands EHPA werden am 11. und 12. Mai Vertreter aus Wissenschaft, Branche und Politik zusammenkommen, um die Dekarbonisierung des Wärmesektors zu diskutieren. Neben der Verleihung des Heat Pump City Award wird dabei auch eine gemeinsame Erklärung unterzeichnet, an der sich der BWP ebenfalls beteiligt.
In the ambitious post-Paris COP21 world in which countries, cities and citizens are vying to keep global greenhouse gas emissions “well below 2 degrees Celsius”, the DecarbHeat Forum stands out as the first gathering of cross-sectoral companies, associations and institutions that believe in bridging the gap and connecting the heating/cooling and electricity sectors in the move towards zero CO2 emissions by 2050.
The DecarbHeat Forum (11-12 May in Brussels) includes insights from respected institutions, such as the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), global corporate leaders like Philips, thought leaders from policy – like Claude Turmes, member of the European Parliament, and science, like the Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems as well as a plethora of companies and associations that believe in sending a joint message to lower carbon emissions more efficiently:
“A decarbonisation of society without a decarbonisation of heating/cooling is not possible. We have only 33 years to accomplish this goal and that means, we have to start now” says Martin Forsén, president of the European heat pump association and goes on “we thus encourage all bodies that support the vision of a 100% CO2 emission free society to join the DecarbHeat conference and initiative.”
The DecarbHeat Forum will include the annual Heat Pump City Award that will be presented by Céline Fremault, Brussels Capital Region Minister of Energy and Environment on May 11 at 7pm. This prestigious award identifies a leading European city that has integrated heat pumps in their respective energy system in innovative ways to bring cleaner energy to its citizens. Minister Fremault says:
A healthy and sustainable future is also the wish of the vast majority of European citizens. So as a representative of the people, I feel it to be my duty to give my full personal support to the DecarbHeat vision and to your initiative.